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Kollaborative Roboter (Cobots) 2023-2043: Technologien, Akteure & Märkte 

Thanks to the low capital barrier and increasing human-machine collaboration, collaborative robots (cobots) are becoming increasingly popular. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of significant applications by end industries (automotive manufacturing, food and beverage, electronics, and healthcare and hospitality), and tasks (picking and placing, palletizing, packaging, and others). The report covers critical technologies, market analysis, and 20-year granular market forecasts by region, end industry, and tasks. The report provides an understanding of the market dynamics, competitive landscape, market outlook, and promising applications.
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Autonome Schwerlastfahrzeuge 2023-2043: Lastwagen, Busse und Roboshuttle 

IDTechEx has found significant activity in the autonomous heavy-duty commercial vehicle space, with hundreds of vehicles in various stages of trialling globally, and some companies on the precipice of fully unmanned commercial deployment. Each industry has unique strengths and challenges, this report explains them and gives market forecasts accordingly.
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Serviceroboter 2022-2032: Technologien, Spieler & Märkte 

Service robots are becoming increasingly popular. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the major application areas of service robots, including delivery and logistics robots, cleaning and disinfection robots, social robots, agricultural robots, kitchen and restaurant robots, and underwater robots. It covers key technologies, market analysis, and 10-year granular regional market forecasts. The report provides an understanding of the market dynamics, competitive landscape, market outlook, and promising applications.
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Markt für Agrarrobotik 2022-2032 

As agricultural labour becomes increasingly costly and scarce, something exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis, attention is increasingly turning towards robotics as a key component of agricultural production. This report from IDTechEx provides a technical and commercial analysis of the growing market for agricultural robotics, considering both the key application areas and enabling technologies underpinning the industry. The report also provides ten-year application-based and regional market forecasts for the future of the agricultural robotics industry.
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Drohnenmarkt und -industrien 2021-2041 

In this new market research report on Drones, IDTechEx evaluates the key need-to-know areas to gain insight and understanding in this broad and innovative market. Drones can be used in many different situations from mapping, to agriculture, to delivery. The drones market is forecast to grow to over $22Bn by 2041; drones and their associated technologies are a key market for years to come.
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Wärmemanagement für Fahrerassistenzsysteme (ADAS) 2023-2033 

The automotive market is rapidly adopting autonomous features to aid in safety and driving convenience. This requires a suite of sensors (cameras, radars, and LiDARs) and computing platforms. These components are evolving and present thermal management challenges, leading to opportunities for thermal interface materials, die attach, radar radome materials, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding. This report provides a market analysis for thermal materials in ADAS with trends, players, and granular market forecasts.
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Lidar 2024-2034: Technologien, Akteure, Märkte und Prognosen 

The lidar market for automotive application will grow to $9.5 billion by 2034. The demand for lidars to be adopted in the automotive industry drives the huge investment and rapid progression of lidars, with the innovations in beam steering technologies and performance improvement & cost reduction in lidar transceiver components. These efforts can enable lidars to be implemented in a wider application scenario beyond conventional usage and automobiles. IDTechEx leverages its experiences such as in laser physics, semiconductor, optics, sensors, optoelectronics, and transportation, to provide a comprehensive analysis on technologies, products, current status and future trend. 10-year market forecasts on lidar units and market value with a focus on automotives have been provided. IDTechEx also provides a spread sheet of a selection of existing and near-future lidar adoptions in the automotive sector.
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Markt für Quantenkommunikation 2024-2034: Technologie, Trends, Akteure, Prognosen 

This report provides critical market intelligence about quantum communication technology. This includes an overview of the emerging quantum computing to data security and solutions offered by quantum random number generators (QRNG) and quantum key distribution (QKD). There is global coverage of trends in the quantum communication market, including comparison with post-quantum cryptography (PQC). This comprehensive study includes over 25 company profiles, and market forecasts for 2024-2034. The quantum communications market is predicted to grow significantly, with a CAGR of 28%.
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Zukünftige Automobiltechnologien 2024-2034: Anwendungen, Megatrends, Prognosen 

Autonomous driving and electrification are changing the automotive industry irrevocably. In addition to these megatrends, connected and software defined vehicles have recently shown opportunity for new and lucrative revenue streams, while in-cabin sensing is set to evolve automotive safety through new hardware based applications. This report provides a high level overview of all these new automotive technologies and forecasts a US$1.6 trillion opportunity in 2034. Learn which of these provides the greatest potential and whether services or hardware will dominate the market.
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Softwaredefinierte Fahrzeuge, vernetzte Autos und KI in Autos 2024-2034: Märkte, Trends und Prognosen 

A new market research report from IDTechEx, "Connected and Software-Defined Vehicle Market 2024-2034", has been published. This report explores what a Software-Defined Vehicle is, and draws upon IDTechEx's expertise on autonomous vehicles, 5G, and smart mobility, to offer the reader with an in-depth insight of how Connected Vehicle (CV) and Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV) technology, such as V2X (DSRC, ITS-G5, C-V2X), automotive AI/GenAI, and telematics are redefining the automotive landscape.
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Automobilradar 2024-2044: Prognosen, Technologien, Anwendungen 

The automotive radar market is well established within the overall automotive market. However, it still has room to grow as advanced driving assistance system (ADAS) feature continue to grow in adoption. The pursuit of higher levels of autonomous driving also demands higher performance from radar, with longer ranges and higher resolution needed. As such 4D imaging radars are now coming to the market. Use this report to understand the latest developments in radar technology, identify opportunities within the market, and see how radar technology is set to grow and evolve over IDTechEx's 20-year forecast.
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Mobile Robotik in Logistik, Lagerung und Lieferung 2024-2044 

This report analyzes the mobile robotics market, technologies, funding, and players. Coverage across 15 robots across 4 major applications. The historic market data from 2019-2022 and market forecasts from 2023 to 2043. It reveals significant opportunity, with the yearly mobile robotics market forecast to grow to around US$150 billion by 2044.
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Autonome Autos, Robotaxis und Sensoren 2024-2044 

Barriers to autonomous vehicles are finally falling. Private SAE level 3 vehicles are now available to the public and multiple commercial robotaxi services have been launched. Find out where level 3 vehicles can be used, which cities have robotaxi services, what sensors (cameras, radar and LiDAR) these vehicles need, and how robotaxi services will generate over US$1 trillion in annual revenue in 20 years time.
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Sensoren für die Robotik 2023-2043: Technologien, Märkte und Prognosen 

A robot, as a machine with autonomy, requires a suite of sensors. This report provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art sensing technologies for robots and emerging trends. The report provides granular annual volume and market size forecasts of different sensors by 29 different robots/applications and sensor types, giving a strong understanding of which sensors and robot applications are seeing the fastest increase in the next 20 years.
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Kupfer für Autos 2024-2034: Trends, Prognosen, Technologien 

The electrification and automation of the automotive industry creates a new demand for copper in a range of applications. This report covers baseline copper consumption in vehicles and explains where copper is used in electric vehicles, where copper is used in autonomous vehicles, and how technology trends across the vehicle will impact future automotive copper consumption.
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KI-Chips für Edge-Anwendungen 2024-2034: Künstliche Intelligenz am Rand 

This report characterizes the edge AI chip markets, technologies, and players. Granular forecasts over a 10-year period (up to and including 2034) across 6 different areas (therein 3 primary regional geographies, consumer and enterprise use, 5 device architectures (GPUs, CPUs, ASICs, DSPs and FPGAs), 3 device packaging types, 3 application areas, and 7 industry verticals) - along with surveys of key edge applications for AI including smartphones, tablets, and automotive - make this the most comprehensive study compiled for AI processors and accelerators at the edge. This report reveals significant opportunity in various parts of the edge AI chip landscape, with the edge AI chip market forecast to grow to over US$22 billion by 2034.
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Halbleiter für die Automobilindustrie 2023-2033 

This report provides holistic and deep coverage of semiconductor usage for a new era of vehicles. Understand the key trends within enabling technologies such as radar, LiDAR, cameras, inverters, battery management systems, MCUs and SOCs and how they impact future semiconductor demand. The report's granular 10-year forecasts include semiconductor wafer demand, semiconductor material demand including Si, SiC, GaN, InGaAs and more, as well as revenue through wafer production in US$.
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RFID-Prognosen, Akteure und Chancen 2023-2033 

IDTechEx has been studying RFID for over 20 years and we have just released our latest version of the RFID market research report "RFID Forecasts, Players and Opportunities 2023-2033". This report is built on our expertise, covering the latest RFID development trends, key player analysis, and market outlook. The report provides an unbiased review of RFID technology, companies, use case studies, and the market, providing the reader with a unique insight into the whole RFID sector, including its current state and future possibilities.
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6G-Markt 2023-2043: Technologie, Trends, Prognosen, Akteure 

IDTechEx has been studying telecommunication technologies for many years and we have just released our latest version of the 6G market research report "6G Market 2023-2043: Technology, Trends, Forecasts, Players". This report is built on our expertise, covering the latest 6G technology development trend, key applications, player activities, and market outlook. Key aspects in this report include THz technologies trend, semiconductors for THz communication, THz phase array antenna modules, 6G radio analysis, low-loss materials, packaging trend for 6G, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS), Metamaterials, Non-terrestrial networks, integrated sensing and communication, 6G market, and future outlook.
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5G-Markt 2023-2033: Technologie, Trends, Prognosen, Akteure 

IDTechEx has been studying 5G-related topics for many years and we have just released our latest version of the 5G market research report "5G Market 2023-2033: Technology, Trends, Forecasts, Players". This report is built on IDTechEx expertise, covering the latest 5G development trend, key player analysis, and market outlook. Key aspects in this report include mmWave technologies trend, open radio access network (Open RAN) development, power management of 5G base stations, heterogeneous smart electromagnetic (EM) environment, detailed regional analysis of 5G status and future roadmap in 5 key regions: U.S., China, Japan, South Korea, Europe, and 5G applications (Industry 4.0, C-V2X, AR/VR, FWA etc) development status.
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DNA-Sequenzierung 2023-2033: Technologien, Märkte und Prognosen 

This report covers the DNA sequencing industry, discussing the key technologies and markets involved. The report covers Sanger, Next-Generation (NGS), and nanopore sequencing, benchmarking these against each other on key metrics required by leading applications. The report includes in-depth analyses of DNA sequencing applications ranging from population genomics and companion diagnostics to forensics, identifying the requirements for each. Barriers of entry to the market and relevant challenges are analysed.
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Elektroautos 2023-2043 

Electric Cars 2023-2043 provides a deep dive into future automotive markets, with granular regional (US, China, Norway, UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, RoW), and technology forecasts. Technology coverage includes battery-electric (BEV), hybrid (PHEV & HEV) and fuel cell (FCEV) cars; autonomous vehicles (L2, L3, L4); Li-ion batteries (NMC, NCA, LFP, silicon, solid-state); electric motors (PM, WRSM, ACIM, Axial-flux, In-wheel); power electronics (SiC, Si IGBT) and more.
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Haptik 2023-2033: Technologien, Märkte und Akteure 

This report covers haptics from several different angles. It thoroughly introduces dominating haptic technologies such as ERMs and LRAs, and various emerging haptic options for the market. The prominent use cases like core device haptics, button haptics, surface haptics and more are also included. In addition, this report gives a granular market analysis with 75 profiled examples and forecasts by sectors, covering haptics in smartphones, wearables, gaming, VR, and automotive.
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Vertikale Landwirtschaft 2022-2032 

This report covers the vertical farming industry, including the technologies and markets involved. We discuss key technologies, including automation and lighting systems, and identify how these could lead to the success of the industry. In-depth analysis of the challenges faced, including quantified considerations on crop limitations and running costs, are considered. Strategies and business models of key companies, including analysis of crop selection and pricing models, are considered and discussed.
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3D-Druck-Verbundwerkstoffe 2021-2031: Technologie und Marktanalyse 

3D printing of composite materials is reaching a commercial tipping point. 3D printing of polymer materials can have mechanical limitations that benefit from fiber reinforcement (or other functionalities), and composite manufacturing is known to be costly and challenging that can benefit from the moldless, rapid prototyping and automated approach that additive manufacturing enables. IDTechEx forecast that the market will rapidly rise to reach $2bn by 2031. This market report provides a comprehensive view for 3D printing market for composite materials, including granular 10-year forecasts, material and printer benchmarking studies and interview-based company profiles.
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